treu-immo erfahrungen

Philipp Becker

Hiermit teile ich meine Erfahrungen aus meiner Arbeit bei der Treuhandgesellschaft Immo-Surveillance mbH mit Ihnen. Zuerst einmal: Mein Name ist Philipp Becker, ich bin 31 Jahr alt und komme aus dem kleinen Kleinniedesheim in Rheinland-Pfalz. Ich fange zuerst einmal kurz mit meinem Werdegang an und zeige, wie ich eigentlich zur Arbeit bei treu-immo erfahrungen gekommen bin.

Nun, ich wusste schon von klein auf, dass ich nicht für das übliche Leben mit Vollzeitstelle und Büroarbeit geschaffen bin. Mein Vater und meine Mutter mussten beide hart arbeiten, damit wir ein einigermaßen angenehmes Leben führen konnten. Ich bin ihnen dafür unendlich dankbar, dennoch konnten wir leider nicht soviel gemeinsam unternehmen, wie ich mir das als Kind und Jugendlicher gewünscht hätte. Deshalb beschloss ich schon früh, einmal eine gute Ausbildung zu machen, um später in meine Leben trotz flexibler Arbeitszeiten gut über die Runden zu kommen.

My parents supported my decision so that I could start studying economics immediately after I finished high school. I am still grateful to my parents today because I really enjoyed my studies and further promoted my ambition to lead a successful and self-determined life.

After completing my bachelor's degree in economics, I looked specifically for “modern” jobs that offered flexible work, if possible in the home office. The whole thing was not as easy as I thought, because the majority of the job offers in the job market were “normal” jobs and office jobs.

By chance I finally came across the job ad from - I think the ad was at Stepstone. At first glance, the advertisement made me a little puzzled, although the description actually suited me perfectly: I could work part-time in a flexible workload and the payment also seemed more than enough to me to be able to afford a nice apartment.

Precisely because the offer sounded so tempting, I asked myself at the beginning whether the ad was really serious. But I trusted my instincts and sent my application without further ulterior motives. After a short time I received a call and at the same time I was able to make an appointment for an interview. Despite my nervousness, everything went smoothly there and I was really excited when a few days later I was accepted for the position of fiduciary assistant.

Thanks to this work, I have a lot of time for myself and my girlfriend. I can work comfortably from home, which also saves me having to commute to work. I would also like to emphasize that the areas of work given to me are extremely diverse and interesting. I can also look after my customers independently and independently. So I'm responsible for all kinds of inquiries from my customers - be it financial questions or advice on investments.

Writing customer conversations and emailing is a big part of my everyday life. The good thing is that I can do it all from my cell phone. So I don't even have to be at home to work, but can also have conversations with my customers and reply to emails on the go.

In short: I am extremely happy that I found my job at Treuhandgesellschaft Immo-Surveillance mbH. Thanks to my recent promotion to the team leader, I can now provide some financial relief for my parents, which is a great blessing for my family.


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